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Featured: Puddingstone Post


There's a lot of things that kick off summer just right. It can be the first time you notice the smell of fresh cut grass or maybe it's that first long, warm day when you look at the clock and can't believe it's still light out. This year, some friends and I decided to kick off the summer season with a little more wow factor and throw a friend the backyard birthday party to beat all backyard birthday parties. 

I have to admit, we were all quite impressed by what we were able to pull off - especially on a realistic budget and all of us contributing in one way or another. Of course it helped we were able to use a friend's "shed" for the space, but even still, all of us pooling ideas and decorations helped keep costs in check while still upping the ante.

I won't be starting a party planning biz any time soon, but I loved being a part of this process and was more than happy to capture it all in photographs. Meaghan O'neill, head writer and blogger at Puddingstone Post (and party guest!), cracked her knuckles and got to work on a lovely writeup about all the fun. You can see the full feature and many snapshots of our gorgeous evening --> here.

 The gorgeous calligraphy was created by my insanely talented sister, Jessica Allen. She's a professional illustrator and calligrapher 
(just in case you need invitations or signage for your wedding. Which, of course you do!). Drop me a line for her info, you won't be disappointed. 

Inexpensive DIY - ask friends to fork over their empty wine and champagne bottles or raid their recycling bins. Soak off the labels with warm water, dry, and spray paint the bottles metallic gold to repurpose as candle holders. These were a huge hit and so easy. They dry in 60 seconds and can be used again and again.

Stop by Puddingstone Post for the full story! Maybe you can pull some tips and inspiration for your next surprise birthday party...

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1. Wenni Donna said...

The decorations you did for venues in DC are really looking beautiful, decent and unique as well. It is really a wonderful surprise that you can plan for anyone. Thank you so much for sharing it here.


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