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Rachel and Charlie, Long Island NY


Rachel and Charlie were married on Lloyd Harbor, NY on June 21st. The forecast said it would rain for just about a short eternity, but we were lucky in that it went rather easy on us. This was the first wedding of mine that managed to do two things that completely blew my mind - first being Rachel's orange belt and flowers (which I had an obvious affinity for since it was such a clever and thoughtful way of incorporating my favorite color into her ensemble - I know, as if it has anything to do with me!) and the second being that she made her wedding dress by hand. As in, by herself. YES. This floored me since not only is completing such a task unimaginable to someone like me, but it was absolutely stunning - flawless on her figure and her skin tone, perfect stitch after perfect stitch. It was truly something to see and a keepsake that many of us could only dream about.
Rachel and Charlie were so relaxed and poised throughout the day it was easy to forget the rain and fall into the wonderful rhythm of good music, good food, good friends and family. All the best to Rachel and Charlie, Mazal Tov!

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