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Some news from Meghan Sepe Weddings...

After well over 200 weddings and nearly one million wedding images, the time feels right to pause and take a moment to reflect on an incredible wedding photography career. 

Weddings are their own amazing animal. They're filled with excitement, fun, great food and music, best friends and family, endless inspiration, constant movement, and infectious joy. I've been able to intimately connect with countless people, make lifelong friends, travel the world, and have an image catalog that is, quite honestly, larger than life. It's been a wild, crazy, skid-in-sideways kind of ride and I'm forever grateful. 

It's funny, I honestly never intentionally set out to shoot weddings at all - it was so "not me" and I was far more drawn to travel and danger at the time - yet a few years into my business I found myself naturally drawn to this new wave of inspiration coming from wedding magazines, websites and blogs (which were only just starting to become a thing at the time). It didn't take long before I was swept off my feet and my wedding work naturally took off.  Truth be told, with all of the ever changing genres I shot back then and continue to shoot now, nothing has made me a better photographer than shooting weddings - nothing.  

As the years tick on and age does it's thing, I'm learning more about myself as a photographer and as an individual. I'm becoming more in tune with what makes me happy professionally and personally, and while it wasn't overnight, I realize that I must make some space and acquiesce, like all things that grow and change. As an independent artist and The Boss-lady, I'm extraordinarily lucky after all these years to say my business is still thriving and taking me places I want to go. But because of that, big weddings have organically played a smaller and smaller role over the last few years and from here forward I will no longer be offering them. 

I will, however, offer smaller wedding packages to couples who are greatly interested in my work and welcome any questions and comments along the way. 
To all my couples past and present, thank you for all your support and loyalty over the years - I owe my wedding career to all of you, collectively, and you've touched my life in unforgettable ways. You let me play, be inspired, and create. A dream come true. XO  


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